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Title Know the patent trend in and out of the country, and prepare
Writer Admin Date 2007-06-20 Hits 2165
 KIPO provides online patent map service for 245 core technologies - 

A patent map that summarizes recent patent trends of national core technologies will be disclosed to reinforce the competitiveness of Korean companies. 

The Korean Intellectual Property Office draws a patent map for 245 core technologies and provide it free of charge on its homepage for searching patent information (http://www.kipris.or.kr) starting May 1st (Tuesday). 

A patent map is a chart or diagram that shows the patent status of a specific technology in and out of the country. By looking at the map, one can easily understand the technological flow and patent trend of the world. 

The patent map provided by KIPO is a part of the project to study the trend of patent technology, promoted since 2005 to improve the efficiency of national R&D projects. The map covers 33 technologies in 2005 and 212 technologies in 2006. 

Looking at the technological fields that the map covers, 52 are related to mechanical materials (including construction), 42 are related to fibers, 58 to electrics/electronics, and 93 to information/communication. In brief, the patent map covers every essential technology. 

Some of the specific technologies include the following: 

• IT technologies such as wired/wireless home networking system, satellite broadcasting technology, next-generation’s navigation system; 

• recent medical technologies such as targeted gene remedy, a protein cure for deficiency in the immune and metabolism system; and 

• fusion technologies such as nano-bio sensors and NIT materials. 

According to the Institute of Economics Research, Seoul National University (December 2006), 224 billion KRW (235 million USD) has been saved during 2006 by using the patent map in national R&D projects to prevent overlapped investments. 

KIPO is expecting that the patent map online service provided this year will not only help national R&D projects, but also help Korean companies prevent overlapped research. Companies can invest with confidence in technologies that can be registered as international patents. The service will greatly improve the efficiency of R&D investments of Korean companies. 

This online service will help Korean companies prepare for potential disputes with foreign companies related to intellectual property rights. By using the information appropriately that is provided by the service, Korean companies will have a stronger position to respond to patent disputes. 

KIPO has continuing plans to draw patent maps on major strategic technologies, such as the next-generation motive technologies. By providing these maps to public and commercial organizations, the office will reinforce Korea’s competitiveness in science technology. 
 KIPO provides online patent map service for 245 core technologies - 

A patent map that summarizes recent patent trends of national core technologies will be disclosed to reinforce the competitiveness of Korean companies. 

The Korean Intellectual Property Office draws a patent map for 245 core technologies and provide it free of charge on its homepage for searching patent information (http://www.kipris.or.kr) starting May 1st (Tuesday). 

A patent map is a chart or diagram that shows the patent status of a specific technology in and out of the country. By looking at the map, one can easily understand the technological flow and patent trend of the world. 

The patent map provided by KIPO is a part of the project to study the trend of patent technology, promoted since 2005 to improve the efficiency of national R&D projects. The map covers 33 technologies in 2005 and 212 technologies in 2006. 

Looking at the technological fields that the map covers, 52 are related to mechanical materials (including construction), 42 are related to fibers, 58 to electrics/electronics, and 93 to information/communication. In brief, the patent map covers every essential technology. 

Some of the specific technologies include the following: 

• IT technologies such as wired/wireless home networking system, satellite broadcasting technology, next-generation’s navigation system; 

• recent medical technologies such as targeted gene remedy, a protein cure for deficiency in the immune and metabolism system; and 

• fusion technologies such as nano-bio sensors and NIT materials. 

According to the Institute of Economics Research, Seoul National University (December 2006), 224 billion KRW (235 million USD) has been saved during 2006 by using the patent map in national R&D projects to prevent overlapped investments. 

KIPO is expecting that the patent map online service provided this year will not only help national R&D projects, but also help Korean companies prevent overlapped research. Companies can invest with confidence in technologies that can be registered as international patents. The service will greatly improve the efficiency of R&D investments of Korean companies. 

This online service will help Korean companies prepare for potential disputes with foreign companies related to intellectual property rights. By using the information appropriately that is provided by the service, Korean companies will have a stronger position to respond to patent disputes. 

KIPO has continuing plans to draw patent maps on major strategic technologies, such as the next-generation motive technologies. By providing these maps to public and commercial organizations, the office will reinforce Korea’s competitiveness in science technology. 

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